Welcome to the Trader Program

Next Step: Fill in the details below to complete your Trader Profile.

Then: You can start sending your trading signals to any ZuluTrade Demo or Live account using your preferred trading strategy!

Why wait, let’s get started

Trader Details
Trader Details
This will be your Trader name, and that's how the ZuluTrade users will know you. Please note that your Trader name should not include contact information (such as e-mail, website address or phone number), inappropriate language or registered trademarks.
Your personal or company website.
Describe your strategy and profile in at least 50 words.
Please make sure you avoid to guarantee or speculate results or statistics in your description as it will be rejected.
Personal Details
Personal Details
Enter a valid email address. This email address will be used to activate your account and help you recover your account details if you lost them.
This must be your real full name (first name, middle name and last name).

Choose your country of residence.
Enter your phone number without any leading zeros or prefixes.

Account Verification
Account Verification

To prevent abuse of the ZuluTrade free accounts, we need you to verify that your mobile phone number is valid by sending you a verification code by SMS message. When you receive it you must enter this code in the textbox below.

Enter your mobile country code & phone number without any leading zeros or prefixes.
Enter the verification code you received by SMS message in the textbox below.
You must read and accept the Terms and Conditions to create a new account. Download Printable Version